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Conrail/CSXT Northern GCA

General Chairman                 Patrick Driscoll     

1st Vice Genral Chairman  Michael McCrory II    

2nd Vice General Chairman  Felipe Burgos   

3rd Vice General Chairman   Josh LaMarti

4th Vice General Chairman   Wayne Bancroft

Secretary Treasurer           Christopher Eleczko

Alt Secretary Treasurer      Thomas Fay 

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Additionally you'll see on the calendar above a shaded date, that would indicate an event such as a union meeting, or union event. Eventually we'll have every Division's meeting in our GCA on the calendar. If you want to know what's going on on a particular date just click on the box.
Members in Need
This section is devoted to our Brothers and Sisters who may be in a time of need

Who We Are

The CR/SAA CSX North GCA comprises 13 Local Divisions representing over 700 members of the BLET as follows:

-Division 1 (Detroit, Michigan) CR/SAA

-Division 3(Cleveland, Ohio) CSX

-Division 46(Selkirk,New York) CSX

-Division 63 (West Springfield, Mass.) CSX

-Division 157 (Jersey City, NJ) CR/SAA

-Division 169 (Dewitt (E.Syracuse) NY) CSX

-Division 227 (Massena/Watertown, NY) CSX

-Division 235 (Union City, NJ) CSX

-Division 382 (Buffalo, NY) CSX

-Division 387(Camden, NJ) CR/SAA

-Division 421 (Buffalo, NY) CSX

-Division 439 (Boston, Mass.) CSX

-Division 601(NJCT) CR/SAA

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Updated: Feb. 07 (16:58)

Week Ending 02/07/2025
Teamsters Local 355
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Teamsters Local 992
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Teamsters Local 355
Shredding Services
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Estate Planning Seminar
IBEW Local 6
H&W Monthly Contribution rate to rise July 1, 2016
Posted On: Jun 06, 2016

As some of you may have already heard the monthly contribution rate for an employees H&W (Currently $198) is set to rise to approximately $228 on July 1, 2016. 

Why? The BLET National Contract from 2012 (see contracts resource page) froze the H&W employee contribution rate until June 30, 2016 at which time the contribution rate could rise the lesser of 15% of the current rate, or to $230. Since the 15% is actually the "lesser" of the two $198 we currently pay x 15%(.15)= $29.70 + $198= $227.70.

While there are some that criticize the fact that such contributions have risen, realize also the H&W costs have risen in all other industries as well, not just the rail industry, and that we've been shielded by the contract from stepped increases the past 3 years.

Ed. Note: With the risk of editorializing here, the easy way out is to blame the Union but until we start asking ourselves why H&W costs in general (not just OUR contribution, which is driven by overall costs) continue to rise at such astronomical rates, and get to the crux of THAT issue, "blaming the Union" is exactly that "the easy way out". Think about it, why does it cost $40 for a single asprin in a hospital stay? Why does your prescription for your or your families meds cost $300 for a 30 day supply, remembering we're shielded from that overall cost by our co-pay, yet the same medicine just across the border in Canada costs $100 with that same or no co-pay to the employee? Just examples of what we need to ask, before we place blame somewhere.

February 07, 2025
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